
I have become enthusiastic about the products that Tesla and the other Elon Musk Companies have produced. So refreshing to see people looking at and then developing completely new ways to Source Materials, to Manufacture, and to Support their technologically advanced products.

I’ve been wanting to replace my 2 vintage vehicles (1999 Ranger, 2000 RX300) with something that solves a few problems for me. A 2 wheel drive worked wonderfully in the city but I’ve been limited out here on the sloping terrain. I have really needed 4 wheel drive and wenching capabilities. Both decades old vehicles have reached the age where the materials used to build the car are deteriorating. My Truck has never seen the inside of a garage and the SUV has only just been garaged here for under a year. I’ve completely convinced myself that I needed to replace the 2 with a single more reliable vehicle. The major reason it has been to my advantage to continue to have the 2 vehicles was that if one didn’t start, I had a pretty good chance of getting the other running and making the appointment I’d otherwise have to cancel.

Timing is everything and when I saw that the Cybertruck would be available around the end of the year 2021, it seemed to be a great opportunity for me. Putting up a refundable $100 deposit doesn’t represent any sort of obligation to buy the vehicle but I think its going to be a great fit for me. As I age, I worry about independence. The Full Self Driving software offered on this vehicle gives me the hope and the possibility of continued driving independence as I age. As my mobility decreases, the Summons feature becomes more appealing. I have no worry about EV charging times but even charging times will shorten with the improvements being made in battery technology. The funny thing is that the last thing I’ve considered is the “Being Green” aspect of this Truck.

11/23/2019 — Urban Legend puts me at # 126,787 in the order of processing

It should be interesting to see where this vehicle purchase possibility takes me over the remaining vehicle development, production, acquisition and early use of what I believe to be a once in a lifetime type of vehicle.