More Terraforming

***Note*** Originally written in the Fall of 2023

The creation of the Dam road and the clearing on the ridge of the hill to hold a future outbuilding presented a natural island of trees maybe 30 feet across and 40 feet long. There is a depression in the middle of this grove and the tradesmen that built the house tossed some materials into this depression. I sprayed the area a few months back with a glysophate mix to kill out the briars and small trees. Most of the intended foliage has turned a crispy brown. The briars die but don’t disintegrate and they remain a tangled web.

Decided to break my effort into phases as I’m starting to recognize my age related limits. I have spent maybe a day’s work split out over two days doing manual clearing and have cleared maybe a sixth of the tree grove. Have decided to try to use the tractor blade to do the next segment. Hoping it can shear off the smallish trees and briar but know that some chainsaw work will still be necessary. Nice to have options. The plan is to push it all to the middle and hide any of the useable building materials behind my woodpile.