On Frozen Pond

It’s gotten down in the teens after we first received the freezing rain that coated everything with ice. No trees down that I’ve seen from the weight of the ice. This is the first time the pond has frozen. Was surprised to see it frozen because I had thought the ground temperature and water volume might prevent it. Didn’t try my weight on the ice this time – ha. Had to keep Chunk from trying to go to the ice – he’s so used to getting a drink and a dip.

We are waiting for the bulk of the bad weather that’s supposed to hit us tonight.

Both Buddy and Chunk didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the cold. I was. I had watched the boys cross the dam and back earlier in the day.
Oh So Close to the overflow
Icy but the pond was still liquid
That clump of leaves at the top center of the picture is an active squirrel’s nest.