Thoughts of the Moment - Running in Place

Mulch Wrap

Finished hauling mulch to the flowerbeds on Sunday. Had enough to cover all beds but had hoped there would be enough to do the underside of the deck and ramp in back. I really like the deck but not that ramp. There has got to be a better way. Been working on a solution, off and on, since I received the news from the builder that the house would have the ramp. Another project that will continue ruminating until I get earth moving and digging capabilities. There are so many frogs here. Certain times of the year (OK, all summer),...

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Dam(n) Project Update

Dateline 06-20-2020 Update to the Update – GN didn’t show up this week. Received no notification or explanation to date. I’m disappointed but not upset or even surprised. Still haven’t paid for the job so I know I will be soon hearing from them. Received a call from GN Construction that work will resume on the 18th or 19th of June on the Pond. This work will involve the clearing of the trees that remain between the house and the Pond. I will be getting the view I’ve envisioned since buying the property – I do hope it’s all that!...

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Mulch – Midway Point

I’ve reached the approximate midway point of this yard work project. I think back to what I had originally wanted when I first talked to the local nursery that laid the sod and created the flowerbeds. I was wanting to install just the sod to about 25 feet out from the house. Whole point was to reduce the mud considerably until the grass (or anything greenish) could grow and keep the one dog and me from picking up mud and bringing it in. The Nursery guy talked me into flowerbeds. He was probably right about helping resale value but I...

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Good Thing…

…that I don’t mind mowing. I’ve been learning how to get tall fescue grass to grow on the portions of the Old Radio Ranch that were leveled off to build or had the topsoil scraped off as part of the lot leveling or tree removal process. It is Kentucky and even the botanically challenged should be able to grow some bluegrass. I am also changing flowerbed locations to lawn as my furry friends wreck havoc on the existing flowerbeds that are in their path. As an area gets cleared of briars and saplings, it can be planted, AND, every cleared...

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Mulch Update

Surprisingly, the mulch made it through the rain without any problems. Went ahead and ordered the edging so that I can get it down before I use up the remaining ton of mulch. There will be places needing fill after the edging goes in. Went all out and spray painted the bottoms of the gutter drains that feed the water collection system. Original paint had worn off showing green 4 inch pipe. Mulch installation has gone well with the exception of my top heavy mulch transport cart wanting to turn over on my steep backyard.

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I didn’t want to make a big deal out of putting down some mulch. Its one of those tasks that almost everyone has to do at some point in life and there is normally nothing special about it. I’ve used pine straw, shredded bark, bark nuggets and shredded clippings that had been processed through a shredding machine to fill many flowerbeds over the years. The local nursery mulched during the original installation of the shrubbery here and then again when they did some yard repair caused by an external plumbing rework that was not detected until after the lawn had...

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Pond Camera Plans

It has been an adventure setting up my first Webpage Camera. Was a learning process. Started with buying a Solar Powered Wifi Camera but did not realize that Solar Cameras, to save power, only activate upon detecting motion. Found an IP Camera made by Jidetech on Amazon and bought the Power over Ethernet (PoE) injector. The PoE injector sends the power the camera needs over the Internet Connection and, by doing so, eliminates an electrical outlet nearby the camera. Wanted to do it all for just the cost of the equipment but couldn’t get my ATT router to actually allow...

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Welcome to The Old Radio Ranch

This website is a good outlet for me – could probably do the same thing much more quickly and efficiently using other available webware, but this format allows for adding custom code so there is no learning limit. This site will, hopefully, change over time as the new tools available are put to use. New for me was the Pond Cam. Expected it to be easy but found out that ease of use seems to hinge upon the camera brand, and to a lesser extent, firewall issues getting a camera signal out. Does work and the camera was inexpensive so...

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