The First Nimitz High School 50th Reunion

The old saying is that “You can never go home again” and while I do agree with the premise, I did find that you can certainly peek back and spend some time remembering the formative years that were High School. Now, I can hear you saying that those years were possibly the worst and maybe they were for you but you’d be hard pressed to argue that those four or five years (for the slower learners) didn’t change your life and set you on a certain path – good or bad. Dickens had it right – It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

I continue to see that time in a very bright warm light. It was a time when I fell in and out of love about every two weeks, threw a party or two, cheated death or injury a few times, and developed friendships that have lasted for years even though I moved around the country and didn’t stay in touch. Life moves on, I believed, and we adjust to our present surroundings, current needs, and pressing responsibilities.

Was great to get a fresh “snapshot” of my friends from NHS 50 years after we moved on and see that they had taken many divergent paths to reach their purpose. They remained positive, open, helpful and friendly, down to earth, and optimistic. I enjoyed hearing where they had been and what they had done. So glad that I attended and that so many of them had put aside whatever trepidation they might of had to celebrate the milestone with me. Kudos to the wonderful ladies that organized and spent the many hours necessary to make the event the fantastic venue it was. Seemed to me it was over in the blink of an eye.

Here are a few pictures that I either remembered to take or that a friend was kind enough to share or take for me.

Chris, Jan, Cynthia, and Becky
Donna, Naomi, Chris, Donna, Debby, and Molly

Donna, Ellen, Tim, and Donna
Martha and Naomi
Jan, Cynthia, and Becky
Ellen and Cynthia
Chris, Tim, Cynthia, Jan, and Becky
Tim and Ellen
Tim, Cynthia, and Edie
After Party Gathering at the Hotel – Roger, Steve, Naomi, Martha, and Donna
After Party Gathering at the Hotel – Robert, Chuck, Scott, and Bonita
After Party Gathering at the Hotel – Donna and Tim